علم الاجتماع والخدمة الاجتماعية
الهندسة الميكانيكية
التأهيل التربوي
الهندسة الكهربائية والالكترونية
تقنية المعلومات
الدراسات الاسلامية
العلوم السياسية
تربية وعلم نفس
اللغة العربية
اللغة الانجليزية
الهندسة المدنية
اللغة الفرنسية
رمز المادة:SOC 101
وحدة المقرر:3
الوحدات الأوروبية:3
نوع المقرر:نظري
حالة المقرر:إجباري
اهداف المقرر
- At the end of the course, students will be able to: a Know of the sociocultural and socioeconomic history of various countries b Explain the sociocultural changes and it’s relationships b Identify some social problems and solutions in the society c Discover the nature of society and diversities of world culture b Relate the many aspects of culture from a system theory perspective
مفر دات المقرر
- I. Introduction to Sociology A. Principles and basic concepts of Sociology
- study of group, culture, objectives, behaviours, classes, community role, status, and personality B. Social problems and social changes
- Factors related to problems in the society
- C. History of Sociological Theory II. Introduction to Cultural Anthropology A. Concepts, Theories, methods of Research B. Areas
- The Arab world
- Role of institutions of family and religion C. Topical
- Politics Social Movements
- Sociological views ( sociology of dying, death and bereavement)
- Human rights in Crosscultural perspective
- D. Social Institutions
- Marriage and family
- Gender
- Law and society
- Health care, medicine and society E. Cultural relativism to life
- analysis of multiculturalism in a global context VIII. Methodology, Activities, & Assessment Tools: a. Examinations
- b. Audiovisual Aids
- c. Handouts IX. Requirements of the Course:
- a. Journal Readings
- b. Theory Development
- c. Oral Defense
- d. References
- e. Attends and passes examinations.
- f. Research works
- g. Comply with departmental and university policies
مراجع المقرر
- Cheater, Angela P. Social Anthoropology 4th Edition. 1998 Slotkin, James Sydney. Social Anthropology: the Science of humN Society and Culture Nadel S. F.. The Foundation of Social Anthopology. 1989 Mc Beath, A.. Experiments in Living: A study of the nature and foundations of Ethics or morals in the light of recent works in SocioAnthropology