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  • علم الاجتماع والخدمة الاجتماعية
  • الهندسة الميكانيكية
  • التأهيل التربوي
  • الهندسة الكهربائية والالكترونية
  • القانون
  • تقنية المعلومات
  • الدراسات الاسلامية
  • الإدارة
  • التاريخ
  • العلوم السياسية
  • تربية وعلم نفس
  • اللغة العربية
  • الاعلام
  • المحاسبة
  • الاقتصاد
  • اللغة الانجليزية
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تمريض أطفال

تمريض أطفال

  • القسم:
  • رمز المادة:
    NRS 220
  • وحدة المقرر:
  • الوحدات الأوروبية:
  • نوع المقرر:
    نظري وعملي
  • حالة المقرر:

اهداف المقرر

  • a Recognize the roles of student nurses in providing care for children and their families at the primary, secondary and tertiary level for the different age group
  • a Explain and differentiate the stages of growth and development and the factors affecting it.
  • b Discuss theories of growth and development across the lifespan
  • b Integrate concepts learned through the process to care of the child from birth to young adolescence
  • b Utilizes critical thinking process to provide holistic nursing care to children.
  • b Discuss the nursing management of childhood diseases and conditions affecting growth and development
  • c Demonstrate some procedures related to the care of children
  • c Demonstrate the immediate care of newborn in the nursery

مفر دات المقرر

  • Unite I: Growth & Development History, legislation, and organizations dealing with pediatrics. Growth and development: definitions, concepts, patterns, and influences. Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development. Compare the standards of growth and development. The nurse’s role related to growth and development. The characteristics of development for each age group. Health promotion for each age group.
  • Unite II: Care of the Newborn with Special Needs: Define congenital anomalies. Cleft lip and cleft palate: risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Spina bifida: types, risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Hydrocephalus: risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Club foot including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Cast care. Developmental hip dysplasia including types, risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. PKU: risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Down’s syndrome: risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Erythroblastosis fetalis: risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Intracranial hemorrhage: risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Thrush: risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. AIDS: risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care.
  • Unite III: Common Pediatric Disorders by System Integumentary System Functions of the integumentary system. Infantile eczema: risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Acne: risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Pediculosis: types, risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Impetigo: risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Tinea disorders: types, risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Burns: risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Musculoskeletal System Compare the characteristics of bones between a child and an adult. Functions of the musculoskeletal system. Muscular dystrophy including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. LeggCalvePerthes disease: risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Scoliosis including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis: risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Fractures including types, risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Traction care. Osteomyelitis: risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care Two types of bone cancer. Prevention of sports injuries. Nervous & Sensory Systems Components and functions of the nervous system. Increased intracranial pressure including causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Seizures including types, risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Cerebral palsy including types, risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Meningitis including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Reye’s syndrome including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Head injuries including types, risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Neurovascular check. Brain tumors including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Mental retardation including classifications, risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Conjunctivitis including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Amblyopia and strabismus. Hearing impairment including types, risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Otitis media including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Respiratory System Describe the normal anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. Discuss nasopharyngitis including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Discuss tonsillitis and adenoiditis including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Discuss pharyngitis including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Discuss epiglottitis including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Discuss cystic fibrosis including types, risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Discuss respiratory syncytial virus including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Discuss croup including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Discuss bronchitis including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. List the symptoms of respiratory distress. Discuss pneumonia including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Discuss asthma including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Circulatory System Fetal circulation. Congenital heart defects including types, risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Acyanotic heart defects including types, risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Tetralogy of Fallot including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Congestive heart failure including types, risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Hypertension including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Rheumatic fever including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Hematologic System The components of the hematology system. Hemophilia including types, risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Thrombocytopenia purpura including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Iron deficiency anemia including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Sickle cell disease including types, risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Hodgkin’s disease including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Leukemia including types, risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Infectious mononucleosis including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Gastrointestinal System Review the normal anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal system. Appendicitis including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Worms including types, risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Celiac disease including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Pyloric stenosis including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Intussusception including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Vomiting including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Hernias including types, risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Poisoning including types, risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Genitourinary System The genitourinary system. Hypospadius including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Urinary tract infections including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Acute glomerulonephritis including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Nephritic syndrome including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Wilm’s tumor including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Hydrocele including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Phimosis including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Cryptorchidism including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Testicular torsion including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes mellitus including types, risk factors, causes, symptoms, and treatment. Types of insulin and its administration. Hypoglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. General nursing care including diet and exercise.
  • Unit V Psychosocial Disorders Attentiondeficit disorder including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Depression and suicide including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Obesity including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care. Child abuse and neglect including types, risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care.
  • Unit VI The Dying Child Care for the family facing the death of a child. Factors that influence a child’s understanding of death. The perception of death for each age group. A child’s awareness of impending death. Decisions caregivers face when a child dies unexpectedly. Nursing care for the dying child. Sudden infant death syndrome including risk factors, causes, symptoms, treatment, and nursing care.

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