علم الاجتماع والخدمة الاجتماعية
الهندسة الميكانيكية
التأهيل التربوي
الهندسة الكهربائية والالكترونية
تقنية المعلومات
الدراسات الاسلامية
العلوم السياسية
تربية وعلم نفس
اللغة العربية
اللغة الانجليزية
الهندسة المدنية
اللغة الفرنسية
رمز المادة:NRS 215
وحدة المقرر:3
الوحدات الأوروبية:3
نوع المقرر:نظري
حالة المقرر:إجباري
اهداف المقرر
- At the end of the course, the students will be able to: a Define the terms growth and development a State the importance of assessing growth and development b Describe the different stages of normal development b Explain the factors affecting growth and development c Examine some of the ways in which knowledge of human development is produced, evaluated, applied and modified.
مفر دات المقرر
- I. The Lifespan Developmental Perspective
- a. Present the historical view of Development
- b. Discuss theoretical issues in human development
- c. Explain the role of cultu re, society and rituals II. Stages of Development
- a. Infancy (112 months) b. Toddler ( 12 years
- c. PreSchool (35 years)
- d. School age (512 years)
- e. Adolescence and Puberty ( 1319 years)
- f. Adult (20 + years)
- f.1 Early Adulthood (2039 yrs)
- f.2 Middle Adulthood ( 4059)
- g. Late |Adulthood III. Developmental Tasks and milestone Developmental Aspects of Human life span
- Physical
- a. Overall growth
- Socioemotional
- a. Define play and give examples
- b. Examine social awareness
- c. Discuss the importance of peer group
- Intellectual IV. Understanding of number concepts, reading, vocabulary and grammar development
- Information processing
- academic and social challenges
- b. Moral
- define moral values and beliefs
- c. Motor development d. Personality
مراجع المقرر
- Pilliteri,A. Child Health Nursing; care of the Growing Family . Boston: Little , Brown and Co., , 2nd Ed. 1981 Robert V. Karl. Human Development: A life Span, 1990 Smith, M.J, Child and Family Concepts of Nursing Practice, New York: mc graw Hill Book Co. 1982 Wieczorek, R. Natapoff, J. A conceptual Approach to the Nursing of Children, from Birth Through Adolescence. Philadelpia, Lippincott,1981 Underwood, M. Handbook of Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing. New York: Mc graw Hill Book Co. 1991 Cher, Berckst. Human Growth and Development, 2nd Edition Lippincott, Philadelphi, 1986