علم الاجتماع والخدمة الاجتماعية
الهندسة الميكانيكية
التأهيل التربوي
الهندسة الكهربائية والالكترونية
تقنية المعلومات
الدراسات الاسلامية
العلوم السياسية
تربية وعلم نفس
اللغة العربية
اللغة الانجليزية
الهندسة المدنية
اللغة الفرنسية
رمز المادة:ENL125
وحدة المقرر:3
الوحدات الأوروبية:6
نوع المقرر:نظري
حالة المقرر:إجباري
اهداف المقرر
- Introducing yourself, Getting the name right, Asking someone’s occupation, Asking for more information. Names, Addresses, Telephone and email.
- Describing your family, Marital status and children, Talking about age, What does she look like?, Asking about age, Asking for a description, Describing clothing.
- Asking where things are (informal) , Asking where things are (formal), What does it look like, Describing things (), Describing things (), Describing uses.
- Days and dates, Starting and finishing times, Opening and closing times, How do I get there?, Describing locations, Giving directions.
- Talking about likes and dislikes, I love sightseeing!, Agreeing and disagreeing with likes and dislikes, Stating preferences.
- Accepting invitations, Declining invitations, Getting more information, Why don’t we meet there?, Suggesting another day, Setting tile time and place, Changing plans, Adding to plans.
- Getting and giving help, Getting information, Asking prices, This sweater is more stylish, Comparing things (), Comparing things (), Returning things.
- Discussing the menu, Ordering, Adding extra information to your order, Describing food, Offering additional food or drink, Offering other suggestions.
- Making small requests, Making larger requests, Asking for favors, Could you change my room?, Complaining politely, Requesting action or change, Accepting an apology.
- Giving and getting personal information (), Giving and getting personal information (), Being specific, How long did you do that?, Discussing length of time, Asking What next?, Describing changes.
- Asking about past experiences, Asking for a description or opinion, Asking for more details, Which city did you like better?, Comparing places (), Comparing places (), Comparing places ().
- Discussing future plans (), Discussing future plans (), Discussing future plans (), What do you want to do?. Discussing goals, Discussing hopes, Discussing possibilities
مفر دات المقرر
مراجع المقرر
- Jack C. Rechards, David Bycina and Ingrid Winsiewska. Person to person 1. Oxford 2005.